About the Norwegian Meteorological Institute
When we are able to communicate information about weather and climate to different user groups, it is a result of the work of the various expert groups at the institute. The collection of weather data and the processing and analysis of enormous volumes of data underpins this. It also enables the understanding of how we can present this to users in a way that they can make use of the information.
For the benefit of society
The Norwegian Meteorological Institute develops and delivers a wide range of useful services. We ensure that rescue helicopters arrive safely and that agencies responsible for emergency planning are prepared for extreme weather and other dangerous weather. We conduct comprehensive research and deliver climate data that can be used to, among other things, calculate the future climate of the country. We have a free and open data policy, which means that anyone may use our material freely and for benefit of society. And not least: Yr.no is part of the daily planning of people both in this country and abroad.
Common to all of our work is our main goal of helping to protect life and property.
The Norwegian Meteorological Institute is a state agency subordinate to the Ministry of Climate and Environment. The institute is headed by a board, while the director handles the day-to-day management.
The Norwegian Meteorological Institute has offices in Oslo (head office), Tromsø and Bergen and is organized into five departments:
- Forecasting Department
- Observation and Climate Department
- Development Centre for Weather Forecasting
- Information Technology Department
- Research and Development Department
Two units also support the director in his work: The Finance Department and the Organisation and Communication Department.
The purpose of the institute
The statutes were enacted by royal decree on December 9th, 2005. The scientific tasks of the institute are summarized here:
§ 1 Purpose
The Norwegian Meteorological Institute is responsible for the public meteorological services for civil and military purposes. The Institute will work to ensure that authorities, industry, institutions and the general public are best able to protect life and property, plan ahead and protect the environment. The institute will, among other things:
- Prepare weather forecasts
- Study the climate in Norway and provide climatological reports
- Collect meteorological data in Norway, adjacent sea areas and on Svalbard
- Conduct research and development work
- Deliver aviation services
- Disseminate the results of the work they are doing
- Undertake assignments and provide special services
- Participate in the international meteorological collaboration