Download services
Large parts of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute's data and products are available from MET's self-service download services.
- (interface to a variety of data from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute)
- (interface to observations, historical climate data and metadata for stations)
- (service for model and research data, including sea and ice models)
- varsel.xml/forecast.xml (location forecasts in XML format that are retrieved from, are part of METs official data sources)
- (weather and climate data)
- (search and distribution solution for polar data)
- Norwegian Scientific Data Network
- Cryo (the latest products and information about sea ice, snow and permafrost - the cryosphere)
- National Ground Segment (Free data from Copernicus Sentinel satellites)
In collaboration with NRK, ready-to-use solutions have been developed in order to retrieve data and products:
- Yr (solution created in collaboration with NRK. This data must be credited in accordance with the instructions on
Norwegian Centre for Climate Services
In collaboration with NVE and UniResearch, MET has developed a web portal for climate data and products: